Thursday, August 29, 2013

Live Interview: Founding and Forwarding a Global Food Sustainability Movement

Live Interview: Founding and Forwarding a Global Food Sustainability Movement

  • How to find your own plant diversity (@6:15)
  • Maximizing space and light utilization (@8:45)
  • Maximizing productivity and diversity (@13:50)
  • Why food diversity is exciting and a little history about how we lost it (@16:00)
  • The number of people needed to operate our food infrastructure (@31:00)
  • Amending the soil and phasing in food production where it wouldn’t normally exist (@36:00)
  • The seed saving and the botanical garden model (@38:30)
  • True Stewardship and creating a global collaborative and spreading the model (@40:00)
  • How this all relates to our economy and can create a positive paradigm shift for everyone (@45:00)

Global Sustainability Solution

Global Sustainability Solution

The time has come for a solution versus a bandage for the pressing issues of today’s world. Right now over 40,000 people each day starve to death, 1.6 billion people (1/4th of humanity) are without electricity, and over 100 million people worldwide are without a home. One Community is providing a solution to this in the form of a comprehensive model that addresses all of these problems simultaneously. This comprehensive (versus individual) approach is foundational to creating the global sustainability solution capable of transforming our planet in the way that is needed to benefit everyone, everywhere.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

One Community Interviews and Publicity

One Community Interviews and Publicity

One Community is constantly working to share what we are doing and creating with as broad an audience as possible. This last week we are happy to report that One Community Executive Director Jae Sabol was interviewed for a podcast on The Higherside Chats and also did a live interview on The House of Hidalgo Show. One Community and Jae were also mentioned on Paul Chek’s blog. Paul Chek is an International Speaker and Holistic Health expert whom Jae spent years studying under.

Rebuilding the World - One Community Weekly Update #26

Rebuilding the World - One Community Weekly Update #26

One Community is designing and open source free-sharing plans capable of rebuilding the world in a way that works and supports everyone. To accomplish this we are creating what is necessary to create self-replicating sustainable teacher/demonstration hubs that build, teach, and comprehensively address foodenergyhousingeducation, social injustice and inequality, and more. They also provide a more fulfilling lifestyle that is foundational to helping this model spread globally. This is our weekly progress update (#26) covering One Community’s progress and accomplishments for the week of August 19, 2013.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Our Team

Our Team

One Community Welcomes 3 New Consultants to the Team!

One Community is happy to welcome 3 new consultants to the team with 3 very different skill sets. Dave Walen is now helping us with the Straw Bale Village designsRob Gjerde is now helping us with the SEGO Center natural pool and eco-hot tub designs, and Ryan Berretta is helping us with custom audio tracks for some of the time-lapse videos we are creating.
Dave Walen, straw bale village, One Community partner, One Community consultant, forward thinker, visionary, David Philip Walen Designs, AnamoglamDave Walen - Architectural Drafter and Designer: Dave Walen is the owner operator of Dave Philip Walen Design. He has over a decade of hands on experience working with licensed architects, engineers, and contractors for both residential and commercial spaces, both interior and exterior. Designing and illustrating as his greatest passion, Dave also co-operates Anamoglam with his wife where they offer graphics design, web, and drafting services. He has traveled the world and found additional architectural and cultural creative inspiration in Italy, Slovenia, Austria, Switzerland, Poland, Sweden, Germany, Haiti, and the Bahamas. He grew up flying with his Dad (getting to experience Zero G!) in the South East of the USA. Now Dave and his wife live and offer their services in the Tryon, NC region. As a One Community partner Dave is converting the Straw Bale Village designs to CAD and helping evolve these designs into detailed building plans.
Rob Gjerde, pool expert, Sorico Design and Consulting, Better Homes and Gardens, Earth Day Global, forward thinker, solution based thinking, world changerRob Gjerde – Entrepreneur, Promotor, and Swimming Pool and Construction Expert: Rob is the owner and operator of Sorico Design and Consulting and the founder of Earth Day Global. He has over twenty-five years of small business management and music industry experience including an employee team as large as 40 and subcontracting with hundreds. Robs innovative designs and sound business practices have led him to speaking engagements and features in Better Homes & Gardens, a leading US Magazine. As a One Community partner, and sharing our sustainability goals with a desire to educate people how to use our natural resources in a more responsible respectable and economic manner, Rob is helping with the design and construction of the SEGO Center open source natural pool and eco-hot tub designs.
Ryan Berretta, One Community partner, music master, composer, musicianRyan Nicholas Berretta – Producer, Composer, Musician & Remixer: Ryan has over two decades of composition experience and operates and his music fan page. Reaching for the keys of his grandmother’s organ before he could walk, he received his first piano at the age of 3. Self-taught & performing by ear, his foundational roots grew from classical favorites like Beethoven, Bach, Chopin, Tchaikovsky & more. By the age of 12 he was finding interest in every instrument he could spend time with and he began documenting ideas and arrangements of various new instrumental ensembles. He entered a studio for the first time to record a piano piece for a label’s upcoming record release when he was 16. From that point forward, Ryan found himself passionately inspired to teach himself audio production, sound design & Foley recording. Ryan has traveled the world sharing and evolving his original productions as combinations of Electronic, Experimental & Classical with the influence of over fifty plus countries and styles. As a One Community partner Ryan is applying is musical talent to the audio tracks of One Community’s time-lapse videos related to our open source tools, tutorials, and resources.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Aquapini and Walipini Planting and Harvesting

Aquapini and Walipini Planting and Harvesting

Food Yield Projections (22,000+ pounds total) for each of the first 6 Houses of One Community's Phase I Food Infrastructure are now finished and added to the site here:

For even more open source information, click the link above the projection summary tables to visit each of the related GoogleDoc spreadsheets with complete details.

Hoop house production and food forest production will produce even more food. Hoop house projections and space needs are coming next - right after we finish posting the Zenapini 1 and 2 maps. We hope to have all of this done tomorrow.

Where to purchase all plantings is also currently in the works. This will be additionally helpful because many of the plants our botanist and horticulturalist have chosen are rare and endangered. In accordance with our Highest Good for All philosophy and our open source botanical garden model ( ) we are addressing this comprehensively and have done the research so others can address it comprehensively too.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Purpose, Vision, Mission

Purpose, Vision, Mission

One Community is a solution model that creates solution creating models for The Highest Good of All and we just finished a simplification and update of our Purpose, Values, Mission page:

We're also happy to report that behind the scenes we've finished food projections for all of the 6 houses that are part of our Phase I food infrastructure and we've finished updating the cost analysis details for the earthbag village homes, 3-dome clusters, and complete 67 home village too. All these details should be added to the site this week and we'll announce them here as soon as we do! 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Green Living and Design - One Community Weekly Progress Update #24

Here is the One Community weekly open source progress and accomplishments written and video blog and update (#24) with the most current images, updates, and links to everything discussed in the video blog. It covers our forward movement for last week as we continue creating open source blueprints for building a global cooperative for The Highest Good of All.

Green Living and Design - One Community Weekly Progress Update #24

Monday, August 12, 2013

Community Contribution

Community Contribution

We just updated our Community Contribution page that explains how a sustainable community model can provide an environment where nobody ever has to work a regular job. We feel this is one of the biggest benefits most people are seeking from a sustainable lifestyle. Our organization is also really focused on showcasing this as a path to engaging a broader audience in wanting and investing in sustainable infrastructure. Something of note that isn't included in our page is that true projections show it would really only take about 20 hours a week to keep everything operating once the foundational infrastructure is in place. In our case, however, we are seeking those who enjoy contribution and the process of making a difference enough to commit to a 40-hour model long-term as the extra 20 hours will be invested in on-going open source creation and sharing- a process our organization is purposed to engage in and lead indefinitely.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Natural Greywater Cleansing System

Open source natural greywater processing systems design is now progressing thanks to the help of One Community partner and landscape architect Erin Ponte. Check out the new page showing our progress with this:

Natural Greywater Cleansing System

We Are One Community

We Are One Community

One Community is a non-profit organization purposed for creating open source and free-shared blueprints for sustainable civilizations that are for The Highest Good of All. Our website is comprehensive and large because our project covers every aspect of life that we feel is important for building a complete society. This page is designed to help give you a brief overview of One Community and to help you navigate this site. It contains the following sections:

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Partners and Consultants to One Community: Cocreating & Working Together for World Change

Partners and Consultants to One Community: Cocreating & Working Together for World Change

One Community is happy to welcome 1 Earth Tribe as our newest sustainability partners! You can read their bio here:

Becoming a Community Member

Becoming a Community Member

One Community is happy to announce the addition of a Satellite Membership option! One Community Satellite Membership is for those people who would like to join world change with One Community but do not desire to move to the property. Satellite Members will participate in all aspects of One Community's current creation process including our weekly calls, Project Teams, Welcome Teams, our back office, etc.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Sustainable Partnerships

Sustainable Partnerships

One Community is purposed for historic global change through a philosophy of design and creation for The Highest Good of All. Our goal is a practical and globally transformational shift towards sustainability. We are accomplishing this through:
The One Community model is specifically designed to benefit those who share our philosophy and we are looking to partner with those who would like to help create this world change with us.

One Community Residency Timeline

One Community Residency Timeline

This page is the 5+ year projection page for residency and traffic at One Community. If a person or familyvolunteers for eighteen months with our non-profit organization they will own a 99 year lease on one structure they helped build at One Community. They can continue to volunteer with us and live in this structure, upgrading it as we build new structures, or they can leave and we will rent it to visitors as an income property based on our entrepreneurial model....

Friday, August 2, 2013

Seeking Partners: Open Source Natural Swimming Pool Design

Seeking Partners: Open Source Natural Swimming Pool Design

Does anyone here know a natural pool builder/specialist? One Community wants to make natural pool design and implementation mainstream-popular and we're putting together an amazing open source natural pool design to accomplish this. Here are the details on the page the page that we'd love help sharing if anyone knows someone who may be able to help: