Tuesday, March 31, 2015

One Community Welcomes Nelli Levental to the Design and Development Team! : One Community

One Community Welcomes Nelli Levental to the Design and Development Team! : One Community

One Community is happy to welcome Nelli Levental to the design and development team. Nell is an MFA of Graphic Design and a College Professor who teaches a course in Sustainable Design. As a One Community Consultant, Nelli is helping oversee the open source development of both the Shipping Container Village (Village #5) and the Earthship Village (Village #6). Read more about Nelli here: http://www.onecommunityglobal.org/one-community-welcomes-nelli-levental-to-the-design-and-development-team/

Systemic Approach to Total Sustainability - One Community Weekly Progress Update #108 : One Community

Systemic Approach to Total Sustainability - One Community Weekly Progress Update #108 : One Community

"Taking a systemic approach to total sustainability means a progressive approach to sustainability that includes all aspects of life: food, energy, housing, education, economics, recreation, and more. Open source and free-sharing these as a complete model can create a more comprehensive and sustainable option for people. One Community is doing this as a path to global transformation for The Highest Good of AllThis is the March 29th, 2015 edition (#108) of our weekly progress update detailing the previous week’s development and accomplishments."

Monday, March 30, 2015

One Community Welcomes Sheng Xu to the Infrastructure Design Team! : One Community

One Community Welcomes Sheng Xu to the Infrastructure Design Team!

One Community is happy to welcome Sheng Xu to the earthbag village open-source design team. Sheng received his bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Design and Manufacturing in Sichuan University, China and is now a graduate student at the University of Southern California, majoring in Mechanical Engineering. As a One Community partner and consultant, Sheng is helping with 3-D modeling and structural evaluation of the different structures of the Earthbag Village and upcoming crowdfunding campaign dome designs.

One Community Welcomes Matheus Manfredini Montenegro Sutecas to the Design Team! : One Community

One Community Welcomes Matheus Manfredini Montenegro Sutecas to the Design Team! : One Community

One Community is happy to welcome Matheus Manfredini to the open source Infrastructure Team! Matheus is a Brazilian 4th-year civil engineering student with a passion for urban development. He's joining the team to help plan the complete property layout for all 7 sustainable village models One Community will be building and open source sharing. Learn more about Matheus here:


Monday, March 23, 2015

Whole-Life Green-Living Models - One Community Weekly Progress Update #107 : One Community

Whole-Life Green-Living Models - One Community Weekly Progress Update #107 : One Community

"Creating whole-life green-living models means evolving sustainability to include all aspects of life, not just food, energy, and housing. Open source and free-sharing these plus education, recreation, economics, and earth stewardship can create an even more comprehensive and sustainable option for people. One Community is doing this as a path to global transformation for The Highest Good of AllThis is the March 22nd, 2015 edition (#107) of our weekly progress update detailing the previous week’s development and accomplishments."

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Christa Johnson: One Community Pioneer : One Community

Christa Johnson: One Community Pioneer : One Community

One Community is excited to welcome Christa Johnson to the Pioneer Team! Christa is joining our team as a Beginner Web Designer and Graphic Artist. She also brings a background in farming, having grown up on a 16-acre farm tending a broad diversity of livestock included pigs, cows, sheep, goats, emus, chickens, rabbits, geese, ducks, and turkeys and an organic fruit orchard consisting of cherries, apples, pears, nectarines, peaches, plums, strawberries, wild raspberries, wild blackberries, and grapes.
Welcome to the Pioneer Team Christa!

Creating a Goal-Oriented Ecological Renaissance - One Community Weekly Progress Update #106 : One Community

Creating a Goal-Oriented Ecological Renaissance - One Community Weekly Progress Update #106 : One Community

"Creating a goal-oriented ecological renaissance consists of clear objectives and making ecological progress easy enough, affordable enough, and attractive enough to spread on its own. Open source and free-shared resources covering all aspects of sustainable living, created for The Highest Good of All, are One Community’s path to facilitating this. This is the March 15th, 2015 edition (#106) of our weekly progress update detailing the previous week’s development and accomplishments."

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Restoring Global Eco Balance - One Community Weekly Progress Update #105 : One Community

Restoring Global Eco Balance - One Community Weekly Progress Update #105 : One Community

"Restoring global eco-balance can be accomplished if enough people participate. Increasing participation sufficiently can predictably be achieved if it is easy enough, affordable enough, and demonstrated as attractive enough for mainstream involvement. This is the March 6th, 2015 edition (#105) of One Community's weekly progress update detailing the previous week’s development and accomplishments to achieve this."

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Transformational and Sustainable Change - One Community Weekly Progress Update #104 : One Community

Transformational and Sustainable Change - One Community Weekly Progress Update #104 : One Community

"Transformational and sustainable change will happen if enough people participate. We’re addressing the “transformational change” component with a self-replicating model capable of affecting the entire planet. We are addressing the “sustainable change” component with an evolution of sustainability that combines physical sustainability with emotional sustainability to create a more holistic and desirable approach to how people live. We are open source sharing it all for The Highest Good of All. This is the February 27th, 2015 edition (#104) of One Community's weekly progress update detailing the previous week’s development and accomplishments towards this goal."