Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Agriculture Sustainability and Seeds - "The Gift," A 3-Minute Film by Jean-Marc Abela

Agriculture Sustainability and Seeds - "The Gift," A 3-Minute Film by Jean-Marc Abela

This blog is about a short film made about Dan Jason, a seed farmer on the West Coast of Canada, because for 25 years he’s been sharing an important message with the world: We have lost 93% of the seed variety in the last 100 years. Having varieties in our food crops offer our bodies the various nutrients they need. Using wheat as just one example, we’ve been eating an industrialized wheat that has been modified for maximum production, not for maximum health benefits and we can now see the results in our health. But Dan grows about 20 different varieties of wheat, many of them with low gluten levels and others more resistant do pest and droughts.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Solution to Everything

The Solution to Everything


By now most people know that the necessary resources and technology exist to feed, house, and provide energy for every person on Earth. Self-replicating self-sufficient teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities really can address every problem on the planet starting with a path to put the necessary technology and resources where they are needed most. For this to happen a working initial teacher/demonstration solution-village with widespread appeal is being created. It will be affordable, applicable across a diversity of cultures, easily accessible, it will open source free-share what is needed so that people with average knowledge and little or no experience can duplicate it, and it will have a marketing engine capable of exposing enough people so that duplication by others will begin and exponentially expand implementation of this model around the world....

Friday, November 23, 2012

Solution Model to Create Solution Creating Models

Foundational to our solution based thinking model for creating self-propagating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities is our open source and free-sharing model. With this model we intend to redefine the sustainability industry as an open source and free-sharing industry by leading this movement and becoming the top provider of open source and free-shared information in the world within 6 months of moving onto the property. We will continuously  free-share everything we do and maintain ourselves as a permanent solution based thinking and sustainability think tank, functioning for The Highest Good of All and teaching others how to do the same.

Solution Model to Create Solution Creating Models

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Together We Can Change The World


Together we can change the world if we choose to. One Community sees the fastest way to facilitating this is designing, building, and free-sharing everything people need to duplicate comprehensive sustainability. The designs we are developing are meant to be replicated both modularly and as completeteacher/demonstration communities, villages, and city models that will demonstrate and teach additional groups of people how to build even more, leading to exponential expansion. We are offering non-profit leadership to accomplish this and we are interested in working with and supporting others who would like to see a world that works for The Highest Good of All too.
Click here for more information:

Together We Can Change The World

The One Community Promotional Engine


We believe global sustainability is possible if enough people want it. To exponentially expand the audience we are creating entirely new markets for sustainability by designing, demonstrating, and aggressively marketing and open source free-sharing comprehensive sustainability models that are:
● Affordable
● Globally accessible
● Catered specifically to the 6 foundational human needs
● Created without copyrights, patents, or limitations of duplication and use
● Implementable as either modules or complete teaching/demonstration communities like ours
● Designed for duplication by normal people with average knowledge and little or no experience
● Supported with the marketing engine described below that will be capable of exposing enough people to build the necessary momentum for this model to continue on its own
We see each of these components contributing significantly to our model for helping people create self-sufficient teacher/demonstration sustainable community, village, and city models that will in-turn demonstrate and teach additional groups of people how to build even more sustainable city models, leading to exponential interest and expansion.


The One Community Promotional Engine is purposed to share our ideas and increase exposure of One Community and our like-minded partners. Maximum exposure and establishing a collaborative mainstream culture interested in our expanded form of comprehensive sustainability is also, in our opinion, essential to our goal of rapid implementation of our free-shared blueprints and design details for on-going creation of additional teaching/demonstration communities, villages, and citiesaround the world

Click here to read more:
The One Community Promotional Engine

Friday, November 16, 2012

Vermiculture Composting Toilet Plans and How to Compost at Home

Incorporating vermiculture bins into our composting toilet plans is one way we see of building a compost bin into our human waste disposal plan that takes composting with worms indoors with a new eco friendly toilet we believe anyone will be able to duplicate. We feel there are more and more people starting to think about how to compost at home and we desire to provide an  open source blueprint as part of Pod 1 that will incorporate vermiculture bins into an eco friendly toilet model that will:
● Teach people how to make their own eco friendly toilets and compost at home
● Demonstrate indoor worm composting as an option for human waste disposal
● Include a traditional septic for people that want one and counties that need one
Details here:

Vermiculture Composting Toilet Plans and How to Compost at Home

Center of Peace Details

New architectural plans and images added here: Center of Peace Details

The Center of Peace is primarily purposed for two crucial contributions to the One Community global change strategy:
  1. Offer a 5-star option at One Community so we can introduce and inspire a demographic that normally wouldn’t be interested in composting toilets, aquaponics, solar showers, and buildings constructed from dirt, tires, etc.
  2. Offer big open and beautiful spaces to support and host community activities and to demonstrate a new level of sustainability by replacing individual living/social rooms, dining rooms, multi-media rooms, etc. by serving as the “grand hall” dining and living room experience for the whole community – complete with a fireplace, group dining tables, industrial size kitchen, space for live music, games, reading, etc.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Sustainable Food Production Systems Design Details

We've finally posted our swiftly evolving food infrastructure details including links to our notes Google Docs for people that are really into this like we are:

Sustainable Food Production Systems Design Details

Here are the three walipini food production systems we will demonstrate as Phase I of the One Community self-sustainable food production plan:
  1. Walipini Greenhouses: These will be used as traditional soil growing areas to grow things we can’t grow in the other greenhouses including trees for year-round production. In support of our open source goals these greenhouses will provide the most affordable and simple option for people to duplicate.
  2. Large-scale Production Aquapinis: These will be aquapinis purposed for maximum food volume production of the foods we need the most. In support of our open source goals these will demonstrate and share a model for commercial use and impoverished areas most in need of large-scale quality food production utilizing very little water.
  3. Diversity and Aesthetic Aquapinis: These aquapinis are designed to demonstrate maximum food diversity, space utilization through a combination of growing methods including aquaponics, and provide a small space for just enjoying the environment. In support of our open source goals these combination aquapinis are purposed to provide a food production system that will inspire a person to want to build it in their backyard as a way to produce a volume and diversity of food for all their family and friends (and several additional families) while also creating an aesthetically pleasing place to go and sit in nature and comfortably read a book during the coldest months of winter. As we continue to design these we are exploring a combination of water features, sitting area designs, and other options to make them both functional and beautiful. We are also building these with the long-term intent to demonstrate that we can convert them into walipini permaculture environments once the higher production levels of the aquaponics are no longer needed due to permaculture and the other sustainable food production facilities incorporated into each of the Pods.