Sunday, June 30, 2013

Learning Tools & Toys for Life

Learning Tools & Toys for Life

The purpose of the Learning Tools and Toys for Life component is comprised of tools and toys that help enhance all of other components of the Education for Life Program. We have spent the last 4 years researching and expanding our collection of these learning and teaching tools and toys. Examples of tools include educational toys and puzzles, games, memory aids, educational books, music, and anything else that is used as an aide to learning. The learning tools and toys here are meant to be used in homeschooling environments, traditional schooling environments, and will be integrated and demonstrated at One Community in conjunction with our Curriculum for LifeTeaching Strategies for Life, and “Lesson Plans for Life” purposed to grow and evolve what we feel will be the most comprehensive, effective, and diversely applicable free-education program and resource archive in the world.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Teaching Strategies for Life

Teaching Strategies for Life

The purpose of the Teaching Strategies for Life component is to develop and provide a comprehensive archive of open source and free-shared project-launch blueprints as teaching strategies that are:
● Available to everyone
● Adaptable to almost any curriculum
● Part of a global collaboration of indefinite evolution and expansion (add your ideas here)
● Used within the One Community Education Program to teach the Curriculum for Life Component
The purpose of these strategies is to create a tool that can easily be combined with the Curriculum for Life component and the Learning Tools and Toys for Life components to creatively generate endless Lesson Plans for Life in relation to any subject or topic to be learned.

Foundations of Being: Strategies for Leadership, Teaching, and Communicating

Did you know One Community is also creating an all-ages open source and globally accessible education program? We are and we have just completed population of our open source foundations of leadership, teaching, and communication page of this "Education for Life Program" with the foundations of the primary alternative education systems! Check it out:

To create this, we have started with components from the philosophies of the well known alternative teaching methods of Maria Montessori, Waldorf, Carl Orff Schulwerk, Reggio Emilia Approach, Howard Gardner’s 8 Multiple-Intelligences, Bloom’s Taxonomy, and Study Technology. The page is not done, however, and we are now 3 weeks into additionally studying all of the greatest non-education industry leaders of communication, leadership, motivation and more!

Take a look at the page and share your own ideas with the links there if you'd like to make it even better.

Foundations of Being: Strategies for Leadership, Teaching, and Communicating

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Funding Options

The last of our three funding pages has been edited and updated. This page discusses exactly what we are seeking now. Please take a look and share your feedback with comments. Once we receive this final round of feedback and comments, we will begin another push with a couple specific investors that we feel we are a perfect fit for and have the means to completely fund our project. We also have a contact at NPR that we are hoping to get a feature from using these pages.

Thank you everyone for your input and help.

~ One Community

Funding Options

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Creating Transformational Change

Creating Transformational Change

One Community is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization practicing the for The Highest Good of All philosophy as its foundation for all decisions. We design and open source free-share comprehensive sustainability components so people have access to these resources anywhere in the world. To facilitate transformational global change we are putting together all the sustainable elements necessary to build seven comprehensive sustainability village models that will provide what we feel most people will consider a more fulfilled way of living. The components of these models will be able to be duplicated modularly or as complete and self-propagating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities. These communities, villages, and cities will not only be model solutions, but solution-creating models that provide even more research, blueprints, and necessary support for successively easier and more affordable and creative duplication everywhere.
This page overviews and links to all the specifics of One Community that we feel are most important including the following sections:
  • One Community’s global impacts
  • How we sustainably address global need
  • The foundations that we open source share
  • Our five foundations for global transformation
  • Frequently answered questions related to who we are and what we are creating

Why This Property

Why This Property

One Community is a for The Highest Good of All 501(c)3 non-profit organization open source and free-sharing everything needed to build self-propagating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities all over the world. We consider the location we choose to build on as a critical success factor because our goal is to share everything we do with as many people as possible. The teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities we help to build will be foundations for transformational global change through inhabitants and visitors experiencing a new way to live life itself while regenerating our planet, and then wanting to create their own version. We then provide what people need to duplicate this way of life. This page is about the details and importance of the location we have chosen to build One Community on including:
  • The essential criteria met for property selection
  • Property related developments already accomplished
  • Specifics of the property related to our world-changing goals
  • Frequently answered questions in relation to the property location and details
Visit the page to

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

How to Make a Change in the World: One Community Weekly Progress Update XVII

How to Make a Change in the World: One Community Weekly Progress Update XVII

One Community is purposed to provide people with a clear and positive path for how to make a change in the world while helping themselves. The path to individual life transformation and enrichment that we see as most compelling is a demonstration of more fulfilled living, a culture of personal growth, and contribution to global sustainability. Our method for spreading and sharing these ideas is the creation of open source and free-shared plans for sustainable and self-sufficient teacher/demonstration villages that we will be building and then helping other to build all around the world. This is our weekly progress update and video blog (XVII) for the week of June 17th, 2013.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Earthbag Village - One Community Pod One

Earthbag Village - One Community Pod One

Our open source earthbag village portal has been updated! Here's an excerpt...

The earthbag architecture village (Pod 1) is the first of seven different sustainable village models to be built. The earthbag village was chosen as the first village to be built because we believe it will be the most affordable and easy to duplicate. It demonstrates the earthbag method of construction along with many eco-artistic external and functional internal options. This page contains the following sections related to the earthbag village:

Partners and Consultants to One Community: Cocreating & Working Together for World Change

Partners and Consultants to One Community: Cocreating & Working Together for World Change

One Community is excited to welcome Radu Christian Pintilie to our Partners Team for open source global change! Radu is a 3D Graphic Arts major in Romania who will be making a complete 3D real-to-life walkthrough of the SEGO Center Duplicable City Hub for his final graduation project. As part of our partnership with Radu, we will also be partnering with Radu's school, the SAE Institue Bucharest, who have agreed to have a hands-on role with this creation as additional support for both Radu and One Community.

Radu Cristian Pintilie, Radu Pintilie, Radu Christian, 3D graphics specialist, One Community partner, sustainability specialist
Radu Christian Pintilie - Sustainability and 3D Graphics Presentation Specialist: Radu was born and raised in Romania and received his first diploma in Refractometry of Chemical Substances. After that, he continued his passion with Ecology and achieved his Bachelor of Science Degree in New “LPG – Impact of a New Eco-friendly Fuel Over the Environment,” and a Master's Degree in “Climate Change and the Consensus of Global Warming.” He then started studying 3D Animation at SAE Institue Bucharest, Romania. Radu also teaches children survival and wilderness skills as a boy scout leader saying, "Everyday I want to help mankind evolve and I try little by little to change the world by teaching the children how to respect our Planet our Home!" With a combined passion for sustainability and 3D computer generation, Radu has chosen the SEGO Center Duplicable City Hub as his final 3D exam project and is creating a complete 3D "walkthrough presentation" of this entire structure.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

A Sustainable Future IS Possible: One Community Weekly Progress Update XVI

A Sustainable Future IS Possible: One Community Weekly Progress Update XVI

One Community believes a sustainable future is possible if enough people if enough people want it. For that to happen we feel a working model with widespread appeal must be created. It should be affordable, applicable across a diversity of cultures, globally accessible, created so that people with average knowledge and little or no experience can duplicate it, and it must have a marketing engine capable of exposing enough people to build the necessary momentum for it to continue on its own. This is what One Community is open source project-launch blueprinting and here is our weekly progress update (and video blog XVI) covering our accomplishments for the week of June 10th, 2013.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Earthbag Village Time Investment Projections

Earthbag Village Time Investment Projections

This page is the open source and free-shared earthbag village time investment projections page that will evolve with the open source project-launch blueprinting of the One Community earthbag village (Pod 1). When complete it will include detailed analysis of the time it took One Community to build the complete earthbag village as a sustainable teacher/demonstration community, village, and city model. This page will also include additional time investment details specifically for building one dome home and a trio of domes, just the Tropical Atrium, and each of the vermiculture toilets and the communal showers.

Open Source Entrepreneurship Portal

Open Source Entrepreneurship Portal

One Community is a structure for creating freedom for people. If individual business building and accumulating wealth is a part of that for a person, we’ve built into One Community the mutually beneficial model and infrastructure to help achieve this successfully. In accordance with our for The Highest Good of All philosophy we use open source sharing as a foundation for marketing, work together to maximize the effectiveness of the diverse talent available, keep overhead low through community contribution support, and create systems to maximize efficiency. With this infrastructure, we see applying the team we have now and creating an interconnected and constantly growing and expanding hub of Highest Good businesses as a win-win key component of what One Community is creating.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Open Source For-Profit Portal

Open Source For-Profit Portal

One Community is open source sharing all aspects of our Highest Good for-profit, non-profit, and entrepreneurial business models. This open source for-profit portal will develop to include complete, open source, and transparent sharing of all aspects of One Community’s for-profit business ventures and functioning details. The for-profit business venture we are most interested in sharing, and will share first, is operation of One Community as an eco-tourism resort. This page will specifically evolve include complete details of this for-profit business including:

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Tropical Atrium Planting and Harvesting

Tropical Atrium Planting and Harvesting

This page is still under construction but the maps are done, overview sections are done, all images are done, pollinator section is done, and cost analysis is done. Now all we have to do is finish dialing in the information details and formatting all 60 plant descriptions :)

Here's an excerpt from the page...

This page is the open source project-launch blueprinting page specific to the free-sharing and global collaboration regarding the One Community Tropical Atrium planting and harvesting details. Once we are funded and building this component we will add videos and additional links on this page including specific details related to our growing and planting experience with the different plants, on-going harvesting tips and numbers, links to the best places to purchase plants and seeds, time-lapse photography of everything growing and evolving, and more. The Tropical Atrium is a foundational aspect of the Earthbag Village (Pod 1) and the complete open source portal can be found at this page: Tropical Atrium Open Source Project-launch Blueprinting Hub.
The following links will take you directly to the following information on this page:

Aquapini and Walipini Planting and Harvesting

Aquapini and Walipini Planting and Harvesting

The open source and free-shared One Community aqaupini planting plan is coming together! After weeks of magic and planning from our botanist and our horticulturalist, back and forth formatting evolution, and clarification on the best way to present the information so it will be usable, the map and first 7 trees are up and ready for viewing!

Check out the new page as we are clear we can demonstrate a combination of quality, volume, and food diversity that significantly exceeds what most people have available to them at the grocery store... and open source it so anyone can duplicate and/or evolve our efforts even further:

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Aquapini and Walipini Global Collaboration

Aquapini and Walipini Global Collaboration

One Community is open source project-launch blueprinting and free-sharing everything needed to create comprehensive sustainability and build 7 different sustainable village prototypes as a path to collaborative global change for The Highest Good of All. Our goal is to provide everything needed to duplicate all aspects of One Community and then lead a global collaborative to evolve each component even further. This page will evolve to include:

One Community Welcomes the Build Hybrid Communities and Towns Now Group to Our Partner Team

One Community Welcomes the Build Hybrid Communities and Towns Now Group to Our Partner Team

One Community is happy to welcome Build Hybrid Communities and Towns Now as our most recent partner! Build Hybrid Communities and Towns Now is a group working on bridging to a RBE (Resource Based Economy) from the current system. In the Hybrid Communities and Towns no money will be used between working members, money is only used to buy and pay for absolutely needed items from/in the current money system. There is co-op ownership of businesses and residential properties for members to work and live in. The plan is that each member works just 20 hours a week in the co-op businesses and in return receives free rent, free utilities, free food, free local transportation, and other free benefits needed to live happily. The purpose of this model is to show others a better way of life now to gain the necessary support of enough people to transition the whole world to RBE. Sharing resource based economy values, a similar strategy for global transformation, and the belief that a completely sustainable planet that benefits all people is possible, One Community and Build Hybrid Communities and Towns Now communicate and share information and resources weekly (and sometimes daily) in our progress toward this goal.

Stewards of the Earth: One Community Open Source Progress Update XV - Building The Future We Want

Stewards of the Earth: One Community Open Source Progress Update XV - Building The Future We Want

We are bringing together the stewards of the earth to create a path to earth stewardship for anyone who wants it. Our path to accomplishing this is by operating as a for The Highest Good of All 501(c)3 non-profit organization and open source free-sharing everything needed so people interested in participating in stewardship and transformational global change can do so anywhere in the world. We are doing this in the form of seven comprehensive sustainability village models that provide what we feel most people will consider to be a more fulfilled way of living. The components of these models will be able to be duplicated modularly or as complete and self-propagating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities that are not only model solutions, but solution-creating models that provide even more research, blueprints, and necessary support for successively easier and more affordable and creative duplication everywhere....

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Community, Family, and Social Skills as Elements of Educational Curriculum for Life

Community, Family, and Social Skills as Elements of Educational Curriculum for Life

This page outlines teaching curriculum ideas for Community, Family, and Social Skills as elements of the “Play” category of the Curriculum for Life component of the open source Education for Life Program. This curriculum is meant as a globally collaborative and ever-expanding archive of ideas to be combined with the Teaching Strategies for Life component, and Learning Tools and Toys for Life component, to create endless Lesson Plans for Life purposed to grow and evolve what we feel will be the most comprehensive, effective, and diversely applicable free-education program and open source and free-shared project-launch usable education blueprint in the world.

For The Highest Good of All

For The Highest Good of All

We believe even a small group of people cooperating, collaborating, and committing to holding each other accountable to planning and acting on what is in the best interest of everyone has the potential to transform the world. Everything One Community does is approached with this stewardship mindset and moving forward with what we feel is in the best interest of each other, all people, and the planet.
Here is what we intend to ultimately accomplish globally by combining our vision and values, our solution-based thinking model, and our open source model for The Highest Good of All:

We are sharing pages of our new site as we simply them! 

For anyone that would like to help us create global transformation there are 3 HUGE ways we could use your assistance. As part of our site migration we have simplified all the URLs, streamlined navigation, and are posting an edited and updated page as frequently as possible for feedback, questions, and comments to make each page more usable and clear in its message. The three ways we could really use help are:
1) Reading the pages as we post them and just commenting here if you find any edits
2) Reading the pages as we post them and asking any questions that come up so we can make the site as clear and comprehensive as possible and further the development of the "Frequently Answered Questions" section we're adding to the bottom of every page
3) Liking and Sharing the content if you like and/or support the ideas and would like to see them spread --> especially our three investor pages:

#3 is especially important to us at this moment in time because we are seeking funding to purchase the land and transferring the site led to us losing ALL of our "social media love" in the form of likes and shares (some pages had over 200). These numbers were all reset to "0" when we moved the site. We're therefore extra grateful for help sharing and liking the page because we'd really like to get these numbers back up to show the people we are engaging related to funding that there is public interest and support for what we are doing. Every "like" and "share" makes a difference! It also helps us spread the word faster!

Thanks everyone for all your support and help!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Moving Toward The Venus Project

Moving Toward The Venus Project

The Venus Project envisions a working utopian planet functioning for The Highest Good of All and we see no higher service than to help create this. To function as a viable path to The Venus Project, One Community’s goal is open source project-launch blueprinting and free-sharing everything needed for the building of self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities all over the world to inspire people and teach them what is possible. We believe our success, just as The Venus Project envisions, has the potential to create a new era of cooperation, collaboration, innovation, creativity, sustainability, and increased peace and happiness for all of humanity...

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

One Utopian Community

One Utopian Community

It is interesting to observe the stigma against mentioning utopia, or the creation of any utopian project, when war, destruction, and the newest multi-billion dollar casino are accepted as part of our current reality. The fact is, however, that amazing things are being created and for any utopian vision to happen, all it needs is to be something that is accessible to everyone and accomplishable with resources available to average people. A viable society or civilization such as this should address human needs from a perspective of fulfilled living as well as sustainable foodenergy, and construction practices to combine internal/emotional needs with external/survival needs and provide sustainability for the complete human experience structured forThe Highest Good of All.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Facilitating The Evolution of Sustainability: One Community Weekly Update Blog XIV

One Community is a for The Highest Good of All 501(c)3 non-profit organization designing and open source free-sharing everything needed so people interested in participating in an evolution of sustainability and transformational world change can do so anywhere in the world. We are doing this in the form of seven comprehensive sustainability village models that provide what we feel most people will consider to be a more fulfilled way of living. The components of these models will be able to be duplicated modularly or as complete and self-propagating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities that are not only model solutions, but solution-creating models that provide even more research, blueprints, and necessary support for successively easier and more affordable and creative duplication everywhere. This is our weekly progress update #14 and accomplishments for the week of May 27th, 2013.

Facilitating The Evolution of Sustainability: One Community Weekly Update Blog XIV

Facilitating The Evolution of Sustainability: One Community Weekly Update Blog XIV

One Community is a for The Highest Good of All 501(c)3 non-profit organization designing and open source free-sharing everything needed so people interested in participating in an evolution of sustainability and transformational world change can do so anywhere in the world. We are doing this in the form of seven comprehensive sustainability village models that provide what we feel most people will consider to be a more fulfilled way of living. The components of these models will be able to be duplicated modularly or as complete and self-propagating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities that are not only model solutions, but solution-creating models that provide even more research, blueprints, and necessary support for successively easier and more affordable and creative duplication everywhere. This is our weekly progress update #14 and accomplishments for the week of May 27th, 2013.

Facilitating The Evolution of Sustainability: One Community Weekly Update Blog XIV