Thursday, November 22, 2012

The One Community Promotional Engine


We believe global sustainability is possible if enough people want it. To exponentially expand the audience we are creating entirely new markets for sustainability by designing, demonstrating, and aggressively marketing and open source free-sharing comprehensive sustainability models that are:
● Affordable
● Globally accessible
● Catered specifically to the 6 foundational human needs
● Created without copyrights, patents, or limitations of duplication and use
● Implementable as either modules or complete teaching/demonstration communities like ours
● Designed for duplication by normal people with average knowledge and little or no experience
● Supported with the marketing engine described below that will be capable of exposing enough people to build the necessary momentum for this model to continue on its own
We see each of these components contributing significantly to our model for helping people create self-sufficient teacher/demonstration sustainable community, village, and city models that will in-turn demonstrate and teach additional groups of people how to build even more sustainable city models, leading to exponential interest and expansion.


The One Community Promotional Engine is purposed to share our ideas and increase exposure of One Community and our like-minded partners. Maximum exposure and establishing a collaborative mainstream culture interested in our expanded form of comprehensive sustainability is also, in our opinion, essential to our goal of rapid implementation of our free-shared blueprints and design details for on-going creation of additional teaching/demonstration communities, villages, and citiesaround the world

Click here to read more:
The One Community Promotional Engine

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